
  1. Type of QA
    1. Non-Vendor
    2. Vendor
    3. Partial-Vendor
  2. What is the QA for
    1. non-profit,
    2. local need,
    3. special event?
    4. vendor
  3. Venue
    1. Location / ease to find
    2. Parking
    3. Food
      1. Yourself vs Venue-provided
    4. Bar
    5. Sound System
    6. Projection
    7. Outside Signage
    8. Work w/ Venue contact
    9. Cleanup Charges
    10. Be a Nice Customer!
  4. Lots
    1. Types
      1. Personal Lots
      2. Corporate Lots
      3. Gift Card
    2. Solicitations
      1. Common letter
      2. Follow-up
      3. Thank yous (once received and once QA done)
      4. Promotion
        1. Facebook (event vs timeline)
        2. Website (vs. Facebook)
        3. Paper
    3. Raffles / Door Prizes / 50/50
  5. Advertising
    1. Facebook
      2. Ads
    2. Local Newspapers / media websites
    3. word-of-mouth
  6. Getting Staff
    1. Solicitation
    2. Lot Prep
    3. Working the QA
      1. How Many
  7. Guest Sign-Up
  8. Printouts
    1. Sponsors
    2. Rules?
    3. Lots
    4. Thank Yous
    5. MC notes
    6. Tickets (2 different colors)
    7. Door Prize Slips
    8. Your Info / Business Cars
  9. Other Table Items
    1. Snacks?
    2. Branded Fidget Spinners?
  10. Projector
    1. Lot Photos
    2. Why Are You Here?
  11. Audio
    1. Always Have a Backup
    2. Always Have 2 Mics
    3. Always Have Extra New Batteries
  12. Chips vs Ping Pong Balls
  13. Shaken or Stirred?